About me

Photo of GuidoI was born on November 22nd, 1981 in Steinheim (Germany) and grew up in Schieder. From 1988 to 1992 I attended elementary school at Grundschule Schieder-Schwalenberg. Then I went to high school at Städtisches Gymnasium Blomberg until 1998. From July 1998 until Summer 1999 I lived in Humble, Texas in the US and attended Humble High School. After returning to Germany I went to Humboldt-Gymnasium Bad Pyrmont and graduated with Abitur in 2002. At fall semester 2002 I began studying Political Science at Bielefeld University. Between July 2004 and July 2005 I studied in Yogyakarta, Indonesia at Universitas Gadjah Mada and did an internship as well. Since fall semester 2005 I am studying at Potsdam University.

As it can be seen here I have a strong interest in computers, especially in UNIX-like operating systems. Apart from that I am of course interested in politics, I play Badminton, like listening to music, and enjoy hanging out with my friends.